Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who doesnt want a Rob Pattinson Haircut?

Its the kinda night where I had to write.  Came home from work and went for a 2 mile run and then sat on the back deck with a pen and paper, head phones on just enjoying the setting sun.

I had a line that I had stuck on a peice of paper for quite a long time "He's given himself away" and I couldnt think of where to go with it for a long time, then I just kinda sat there and thought about a man falling apart.  Things always fall apart and usually other people see it coming and no one does any thing about it.  I ran with this idea of looking at someone who was just plodding and wasting time.  So here is what I came up with....

"He's heard it all before
and that leaves him wanting something more
he's always had one foot out the door
convinced himself that he was nothing to his girl

He can't see the long and waiting line
tired of hearing 'boy, you'll be fine'
He's been broken now for a long time
walking away just to leave his world behind

He's given himself away
to be left in little pieces
he takes whats left
wonders 'what does she see in me'

He does whatever he wants to
because he is left with nothing to hold on to
be strong and dammit act like a man
but somethings he just doesnt understand

you can see the limp in his walk
the pain in his voice when he talks
he smiles but there is a lot to hide
so much he cant hide behind his eyes

He's given himself away
to be left in little pieces
he takes whats left
wondering 'what does she see in me?'

....its scary to look back at those lyrics and see so much of myself and my past relationships in the drying ink on those pages.  In writing classes, they tell you to write what you know.  That is scary, its the looking within and at the man in the mirror that has always taken its toll on me.

I wrote a short story that involved stories I accumulated from friends and twisted them around with a dark, sharper edge and it made me hate things for a long time.  I lost sleep, almost disappearing because I had become disgusted with the characters that seemed so close to home.  I havent written that character since because it just ruins things for me.

Songs are easy, songs are stories that can be any little thing I think about.  It starts with a word or it starts with a chord but usually the process is refreshing and fun for me.

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