Monday, September 13, 2010

break up

He'd seen this look in her eyes before
just like she'd seen him planning this for weeks
she fought back the tears in her eyes
as he stumbled through their last good-bye
she recoiled at his outstretched arms
he didnt know what else to say
they were feet apart but worlds away
she held herself together like any woman would
she hid her pain and laughed out a smile
this was a joke and so was he
he felt sorry and hated that he hurt her
he lacked words not required of men in this world
he sat down and just waited
the look on his face said sedated
she looked everywhere but at him
her glare was evident and powerful
she asked why?
he said he didnt know
she broke and started to cry
over emotion he couldnt show
he got angry because he hated her tears
he felt fragile and questioned everything
They fought
They Screamed
It hurt
they pushed buttons and crawled under skin
but this had no make up sex waiting at the end
each of them found a passion that had been missing
they burned memories of the other like southern crosses
they found out how much love really hurts
when everything in their world fails to work
sometimes love falls and you cant win
but out of the ashes of their argument
they both felt alive again
she felt strong and independent
he felt free and wild
they said things to each other that they didnt mean
but this wasnt the most obscene
they suffered more in the past few months
where they drifted apart at the seams
they smiled in pictures but it was forced
they held hands outside but it hurt
he no longer swept her off her feet
and she no longer made him smile
they lived in denial
now they walk away
both saying what finally needed to be said
life moves on
the sun will rise
there will still be suprise
they didnt hug
there was no familiar tug
it was over
it was awkward
but they have new lives to walk towards

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