Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ouch,'re on my hair

feelin good, got the day off work tomorrow so I like being able to get some stuff done during the week.  Gonna go play golf too.  any day where I am not working and playing golf is a perfect fucking day.  gonna meet up with some friends in ole Winston to grab some food and then watch some football. 

golf is a big passion of mine, one that I neglected over the past few years because its expensive and when you are a part timer living in your parents basement there is very little chance to play.  I also have almost no friends that play golf so that leaves me and the dad piece to play.

golf in a way became like my sports religion.  There is nothing better than walking around a beautiful course and letting the sun hit your face.  The swinging part and chasing a ball are the easy parts.  I used to be really good, talkin really good.  It was a sport I picked up with and could be super type A with because there was so much in a golf swing that I knew I had to control.  I used to have the worst temper when I was a teenager and it sucked because I played golf and tennis competitively so I had only myself to blame.  As I grew older I let that part go and just started to enjoy the game.  Hated the pressure of competitve golf ultimately because I just loved to play the game and not compete.  It is actually the only thing I was never competitive with, all other sports, games and such drive me insane.  I get visibly ill when I lose at dodgeball in college and got kicked out of several flag football games as well...

speaking of football, shout out to a certain pittsburg steelers/WVU fan who knows there is nothing worse than roethlisburgers mullet last season.

but I am going to bed an old man who will enjoy the shit out of his day off tomorrow.

hopefully have some good stuff from the golf course to write about

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