Monday, September 6, 2010

another day in paradise

listening to ryan adams and watching college doesnt get any better.

Took the weekend off, went down to paradise in Lake Oconee, Georgia.  Stayed at my uncles house.  The amount of wealth there is startling, somethings I dont understand.  But it was a great weekend and I got to drink lots of liqour, shoot some pool, eat good food, sat 1st row on the upper deck at the heels game and played golf.  Any weekend with half of those things is a damn good weekend.  I relaxed, I forgot and I just smiled...until the heels went down 20.  But even that didnt really bother me which is rare for a football game.

I am not easily moved or appalled.  I love a crude joke as much as any one and I am not afraid to push peoples buttons for no reason.  but I saw somethings this weekend that absolutely blew my mind.  I get as fired up about college football games as anyone I know, but fans for LSU took that to another level.  This is not me saying UNC fans dont do stupid ass shit and say things that are disgusting but Ive never seen anything like this even on a DOOK v UNC level.  At the pep rally before the game the bands were playing and fans of both teams were mingling.  I was pounding 8 dollar bud lites and a group of middle school UNC fans were going around and having a great time.  One of this kids happened to be a ginger, a red head, and a group of very adult LSU fans started to make fun of this kid.  They didnt say UNC sucks or that we cheat, they made fun of the kid for being a ginger, to his face, just because he wore light blue.  One of the guys then knocked his UNC flag out of his hand and they laughed as they walked away.  I didnt know how to respond, Ive never felt so pissed at something.  I couldnt bring myself to say something because it would have started something that probably would've ended horribly.  But as I watched a lady pick up the kids flag I couldnt help but wonder what this could would remember from that day and I hope it wasnt moment.

Thing that most disturbed me this weekend was a t-shirt.  Everyone loves a funny t-shirt.  One with holes that says "who farted" or something like that.  Saw an LSU fan with a shirt on that said "You can spell CUNT without UNC"  This shirt was bright purple and yellow and very easy to read.  Now I get some people can say things behind closed doors but the fact that this guy was wearing this shirt in public, around large groups of woman and a bunch of kids absolutely left me speechless.  There are a few words that you rarely hear people say and they provide such venom and hate that its really uncool to hear.  Ive dealt with the word Nigger a lot living in the south and its one of those things I shrugged off along time until my sister married a black man and they now have a kid.  Its something I take personal and its attacking my family.  I got into a very heated altercation with one of my best friends in college after using that word in front of me and I have never had to be restrained by friends before or since that moment.  I hardly hear cunt any more, its faded out a lot with the generation but it still has a bite to it.  and to see it on a t-shirt in public let me know that some people really have no care about others.  The real irony of it being that he was wearing a gold cross over his shirt....but thats a whole nother post that would only make me even more upset.

I look back at this weekend and smile.  It was nice to spend time with Dad.  Its very easy to forget how I almost lost him a few years ago and I cant imagine not having him hear.  My mom is the rock of my family and I love her even though its hard for me to express how much I appreciate the things she sacrafices for our family.  I cant imagine living without either of them and the scary part is knowing that I will.  But in the car ride my dad just said some things that hit home.  We never had "big talks."  our sex talk was brief, he said it was a beautiful thing that you share with a woman when your ready.  The best advice he every gave me was about marriage, he told me to marry a woman I can talk too when the sex is gone.  He wasnt preachy this weekend either, he just let me know that there are certain things I need to do and take responsibility for as a man.

Its easy to overlook parents as those who are talking at you and not to you.  Its the laughter you think you will miss, the love and the hugs, but I think I will appreciate and miss the times that my mom and dad let me know I had to get my shit together, that I am not perfect.  My parents are my best friends because they were never my best friends, they were my parents and taught me every step of the way.

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