Monday, October 4, 2010

cheating, but these are 15 films that stick with you, not all time favs or anything like that, just ones you wont forget

1) Terminator 2 - This was the first movie I ever got as a gift.  Got it from dad for my 7th xmas, pretty sure he bought it for himself but gave it to me.  I watched this movie on repeat.  Came on AMC alot last summer, doesnt hold up great but there is nothing better than watching Linda Hamilton doing her lesbian pullups

2) Days of Thunder - Let me preface this with the fact that I hate nascar with a passion.  But old Tom Cruise and Co got me here.  I think the movie is totally validated by Robert Duval's performance and some of the best lines in shit cinema history.  Plus, who doesnt love 1st person point of view racing.

3) Ace Ventura - My Whole Family is obsessed with this movie.  It is def my favorite Carrey movie and its a great character.  Some great quotes and nothing better than finkle's tucked package and "thats not snowflake"  Everything about this movie is funny as shit to me.

4) Christmas Vacation - By far the best xmas movie, my family watches it every year usually drunk as hell and we never make it through.  Nothing beats some Cousin Eddy quotes and Chevy's rant at the end..."holy shit, where's the tylenol"

5) Dumb and Dumber - I mean really, this is the ultimate guys movie.  My best friends and I from high school can actually quote the whole movie start to finish without it being played.  We did this at Crunktoberfest one year at app.  Great one lines and Jeff Daniels steals the show.

6) Ghostbusters - Bill Murray playing the random piano notes..."They Hate that"  I had a jumpsuit, boots, proton pack as a kid that I wore everywhere.  I was an 8 yr old napoleon dynamite

7) Requiem for a Dream - My sister brooke made me watch this movie when I was 14 years old.  It scared the living shit out of me and is one of the major factors why I never ventured into the world of illegal substances.  Some haunting scenes and images and injecting that needle into the infection about made me vomit

8) Monster Squad - Probably one of the most unknown films people need to see as a kid.  Totally holds up and has some great lines.  Dont know how or where I saw this as a kid but I saw it often...and yes Rich, Wolfman still has nards

9) Childs Play - Fucking Chucky.  This movie terrified me and gave me nightmares for years as a kid.  I was like 6 or 7 when the 1st one came out and just the idea of a god damn doll that would kill you is universaly scary to any child.  I think I was in middle school before I tried to watch it again.

10) Aliens - The 2nd one, bill paxton's genius.  I was forced to watch this movie during the great march ice storm of 1992.  My family had to go to some friends house because we lost power for almost 2 weeks.  Lost cable during the ACC tourney and they decided to throw this shit on and it killed me.  Looking back i really enjoy the film.

11) Halloween - Hands down the scariest movie to me.  A killer with no voice, no emotion, never runs.  The frame work for the film is great too and its soundtrack is what makes it last.

12) Braveheart - was in middle school when this came out and when you are going through puberty this is about as cool as it gets.  Some classic lines, cool scenes and the soundtrack is fuckin sweet.  1st movie I remember actually crying in, which when you are a middle school boy is totally uncool.

13) Super Troopers - Got drunk at a friends house while his rents were outta town.  Stayed up late as fuck, Robotripped and popped this movie and had a field day.  In the middled of the moive a friend of mine sleptwalked and hit his knee because it was asleep, ive never seen a person hit themsevles that hard.

14) X-men - lets be honest, I am a giant comic book nerd.  and to see this movie on film and done the right way made me very happy.  I hated the casting of Halle Berry at the time, but I think the rest of the cast was well done.  While there were some minor flaws in the plots lines I think Seeing my favorite comicbook and character (wolverine) blew my damn mind.  Plus, just rewatch the 1st scene at the concentration camp with young magneto...awesome

15) Star Wars 4,5,6 - Cant seperate them at all, and if you are a nerd like I am these are the shit.  Read most of the books that came out after.  These movies still hold up to me story wise and get my nerd boner in full mast.  IF any of them are on TV I will watch

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